Advanced Search

Development of Deep Space Exploration and Its Future Key Technologies
WU Weiren, YU Dengyun
2014, 1(1): 5-17.
Abstract PDF
Research Progress of Autonomous Navigation Scheme for Mars Landing
CUI Pingyuan, GAO Ai, YU Zhengshi
2014, 1(1): 18-27.
Abstract PDF
Review of Mars Topographic Mapping
XU Qing, GENG Xun, LAN Chaozhen, XING Shuai
2014, 1(1): 28-35.
Abstract PDF
Target Selection and Trajectory Design for Manned Asteroid Missions
SHANG Haibin, CUI Pingyuan, XIONG Xu, WU Xiaoyu
2014, 1(1): 36-43.
Abstract PDF
A Pinpoint Autonomous for Navigation and Hazard Avoidance Method Lunar Soft Landing
WANG Datie, LI Ji, HUANG Xiangyu, ZHANG Honghua
2014, 1(1): 44-51.
Abstract PDF
Autonomous Navigation and Guidance for Change-3 Soft Landing
HUANG Xiangyu, ZHANG Honghua, WANG Datie, LI Ji, GUAN Yifeng, WANG Pengji
2014, 1(1): 52-59.
Abstract PDF
Trajectory Optimization of Solar Sail Rapid Rendezvo us by Using the Escape Energy
HE Jing, GONG Shengping, LI Junfeng
2014, 1(1): 60-66.
Abstract PDF
Orbit Dynamics in the Vicinity of Asteroids with Solar Perturbation
NI Yanshuo, BAOYIN Hexi, LI Junfeng
2014, 1(1): 67-74.
Abstract PDF
Planetary Terrain Features Tracking Method Based on Robust Curve Matching
SHAO Wei, CHEN Haiyan, MENG Lin, YUE Yaobin, GAO Xizhen
2014, 1(1): 75-80.
Abstract PDF