

Design and Implementation of High-Precision Pulse Accumulation for Deep Space Exploration Chirp Transform Spectrometer

  • 摘要: 针对1 GHz带宽Chirp变换频谱仪时间分辨率高、脉冲宽度窄的特点,以及对微弱信号的检测需求,提出了一种实时、高精度的CTS系统后端时序同步与脉冲积累方案,其同时具有积分时间可调的优点。该方案通过系统时钟设计与现场可编程门阵列(Field-Programmable Gate Array,FPGA)算法设计,实现了1 GHz带宽CTS系统不同模块间的时钟同步及后端窄脉冲的精准积累,以确保系统达到较高的频率分辨率。通过该同步方案,积累后系统带内平均脉冲宽度达到了1.0136 ns,对应的频率分辨率为101.36 kHz,与欧洲航天局(European Space Agency,ESA)木星冰月探测器(JUpiter ICy moons Explorer,JUICE)探测器搭载的CTS分辨率相当,为实现中国深空探测任务高精度频谱分析提供了有效的解决途径。


    Abstract: Aiming at the characteristics of 1 GHz bandwidth Chirp transform spectrometer with high time resolution and narrow pulse width, as well as the demand for detection of weak signals, a real-time and high-precision back-end timing synchronization and pulse accumulation scheme for CTS system is proposed, which also has the advantage of adjustable integration time. The scheme achieves the synchronization control between the analog and digital parts of the 1 GHz bandwidth CTS system and the precise accumulation of 1 ns narrow pulse in the back-end through system clock design and FPGA algorithm design, in order to ensure that the system achieves a high frequency resolution. Through this synchronization scheme, The average in-band pulse width of the system after accumulation is 1.0136 ns, and the corresponding frequency resolution is 101.36 kHz, which is comparable to the resolution of the CTS carried by the JUICE of ESA, and provides an effective solution to realize the high-precision spectrum analysis of China's deep-space exploration mission.


