李存惠, 张小平, 刘晓东, 游击林, 王鹢, 张海燕, 赵呈选, 李世勋, 刘泽. 主带彗星尘埃特性的科学问题与探测方案[J]. 深空探测学报(中英文). DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2024.20230160
引用本文: 李存惠, 张小平, 刘晓东, 游击林, 王鹢, 张海燕, 赵呈选, 李世勋, 刘泽. 主带彗星尘埃特性的科学问题与探测方案[J]. 深空探测学报(中英文). DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2024.20230160
LI Cunhui, ZHANG Xiaoping, LIU Xiaodong, YOU Jilin, WANG Yi, ZHANG Haiyan, ZHAO Chengxuan, LI Shixun, LIU Ze. Scientific Issues and Detection Schemes on the Dust Characteristics Of Main Belt Comets[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration. DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2024.20230160
Citation: LI Cunhui, ZHANG Xiaoping, LIU Xiaodong, YOU Jilin, WANG Yi, ZHANG Haiyan, ZHAO Chengxuan, LI Shixun, LIU Ze. Scientific Issues and Detection Schemes on the Dust Characteristics Of Main Belt Comets[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration. DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2024.20230160


Scientific Issues and Detection Schemes on the Dust Characteristics Of Main Belt Comets

  • 摘要: 研究主带彗星的起源和形成、非活跃期主带彗星的特性以及主带彗星与其他彗星、小行星之间的关系,需形成能够覆盖尘埃颗粒特性的原位探测方法。针对中国即将实施的“天问二号”探测任务,在分析主带彗星尘埃特性与科学问题关系的基础上,作者提出了一种在不改变尘埃原始特性前提下,非接触测量主带彗星喷发尘埃粒径、速度、动量、形貌、通量的集成复合探测方法,该设计方案已应用到“天问二号”任务的工程实践。


    Abstract: The origin and formation of Main Belt Comets (MBCs), the characteristics of non-active period MBCs, as well as the relationships between MBCs and other comets and asteroids are studied. It emphasizes the need to develop an in-situ detection method capable of covering the characteristics of dust particles. In light of the upcoming Chinese Tianwen-2 mission, the authors propose an integrated composite detection method for non-contact measurement based on the analysis of the relationship between the characteristics of dust in MBCs and scientific problems. It can extract MBCs’ ejected dust particle size, velocity, momentum, morphology, and flux without changing the original characteristics of the dust. This design has been applied in the engineering practice of the Tianwen-2 mission.


