

Study of a Deep-Space Light-Mass Long-Life Heatpipe Reactor Power Scheme

  • 摘要: 针对中国深空探测任务对电源的长寿命要求,选择非能动、高可靠的热管堆作为电源技术路线;为满足电源的轻质要求,选择高铀密度且具备足够高温力学性能及辐照稳定性的铀钼合金作为反应堆燃料;热传输选择海恩斯合金包壳的钠热管,热管布置于燃料内部,两者之间可采用钎焊或液体界面扩散的集成方式;热电转换选择长寿命且具备丰富成功经验的静态温差转换,转换材料选择温度适宜且高效率的半赫斯勒;为实现超长寿命的反应堆控制,提出了可燃毒物控制和多种提升堆芯负温度系数的创新型、非能动控制方案。最终电源方案预计可满足中国深空探测任务需求。


    Abstract: To meet the requirement of long-term operation of our country’s deep space exploration missions, a passive and highly reliable heat pipe reactor is chosen as the power source. In order to achieve a light mass, UMo with high uranium density, enough high temperature mechanical properties and irradiation stability is selected as the reactor fuel. Na heat pipe with Haynes cladding is chosen for heat transfer. The heat pipes are placed inside the fuel. Brazing or Liquid Interface Diffusion can be used as the integrated method between the heat pipes and the fuel. Static thermoelectric technology, which possesses a long life and rich successful experience, is chosen as the power conversion system. And Half-Heusler with suitable operation temperature and high efficiency is selected as the conversion material. In order to achieve an ultra-long life, a burnable poison control scheme and a variety of creative and passive control schemes to increase the negative temperature coefficient of the core are proposed. The final power scheme is expected to meet the needs of our country’s deep space exploration missions.


