Currently, there are international requirements for the prevention and control of return pollution in planetary sampling and return missions, among which the search, recycling, and disposal stage of the return device is an important part of achieving return pollution prevention and control. Starting from protecting the Earth’s biosphere and the rigor of scientific research, this paper analyzed the pollution risks during the planetary sampling and return process based on the flight phase and task execution of spacecraft. It is found that there are biosafety risks in both normal return and abnormal situations. Therefore, a pollution prevention and control plan for the search, recycling, on-site disposal, and transfer process of spacecraft was proposed for the first time. Innovative design of search and recycling processes and equipment with unmanned and intelligent features has been made to achieve ground safety disposal of landers in the landing area, ensuring that the spacecraft does not cause pollution to the Earth’s environment during the disposal and recycling process, and that the samples carried by the spacecraft are not contaminated, This paper provides technical support for future planetary sampling and return missions in China to prevent and control pollution.