

Analysis of Power Supply by Laser Power Transmission in Lunar Polar Orbit

  • 摘要: 针对月球表面探测器将经历的长达14天的月夜期间的供电需求,在对月球探测特点及激光无线能量传输系统分析的基础上,考虑月球极轨可以实现对于南北极及附近区域每圈轨道均覆盖一次的特点,提出利用运行于月球极轨的激光无线供电系统为极区的月表探测器进行供电的方式。环月轨道器运行轨道选取500 km月球极轨,配置大功率太阳电池阵、大功率激光器、激光发射及光束指向控制装置等。月表探测器安装激光接收装置(激光电池阵),在阴影期通过与环月轨道器可见的弧段利用激光传输获得电能。根据分析,轨道器配置12 kW激光器和800 mm口径发射光学系统、月表探测器配置4 m直径激光电池阵情况下,激光能量传输弧段平均供电功率约为2.7 kW,月表探测器平均供电功率可以达到300 W,将满足探测器的生存和部分工作需求。


    Abstract: Based on the an analysis of the characteristics of lunar exploration and laser power transmission (LPT), considering the feature of covering the polar regions for the lunar polar orbit, a laser wireless power supply system operating in the lunar polar orbit is proposed to power the lunar surface explorer in the polar regions to solve the power supply problem during the shadow period of up to 14 days. For the lunar orbiter, the 500 km circular lunar polar orbit selected. The lunar orbiter is equipped with high-power solar array, high-power laser, laser emission and beam pointing control device. The lunar surface explorer is equipped with laser PV array to obtain electric power by laser power transmission in the visible arc between the lunar orbiter and the lunar surface explorer during the shadow period. According to the analysis, for the 12 kW laser and 800 mm aperture transmitting optical system and 4 m receiving laser array, the average power supply is about 2.7 kW during LPT, and the average power supply of lunar explore can reach 300 W, which can meet the survival and partial operating requirements of the surface explorers.


