

Progress and Prospect of Energy Technologies on Lunar Scientific Research Station

  • 摘要: 月面能源是月球科研站建设和运行的基础和保障。分析了月球科研站的能源特点与需求,包括大功率、多样化的能源需求,长寿命、高可靠、昼夜不间断的供能要求,以及月球环境的适应性要求;重点分析太阳能光伏 + 储能电池、太阳能光热利用、月面核能、再生燃料电池等月面能源技术在月球科研站中的应用优势、限制条件及发展建议,并对各能源系统进行了比较,进而提出了月球科研站能源系统构架,为未来月球科研站能源设计和研制提供参考。


    Abstract: Lunar energies are the essential foundation and prerequisite for construction and operation of lunar scientific research stations. This work analyzes the energy features and requirements the lunar research station, including high power and diversified energy, high- reliability and uninterrupted day-night energy, and energy adaptability towards the lunar environment. The application advantages, limiting conditions, and development suggestions of lunar energy technologies (solar photovoltaic + energy storage batteries, solar thermal utilization, lunar nuclear energy, and renewable fuel cells) in lunar research stations are summarized and emphasized. Based on the analyses and comparisons of the energy techonologies, we propose new energy system architectures for lunar scientific research stations to provide reference for the future energy design and development of the lunar research station.


