

Scientific Objectives and Configuration Payloads of Asteroid Defense Test Missions

  • 摘要: 针对中国首次近地小行星防御在轨验证任务,将对近地小行星撞击地球潜在风险进行防御性处置演示验证,设计并提出小行星防御在轨验证的科学目标及其具体的科学探测任务,开展科学有效载荷需求分析,提出有效载荷配置方案及探测任务要求,为未来实施小行星防御任务提供决策依据。


    Abstract: As for China’s first near-Earth asteroid defense on-orbit verification mission, the defensive disposal of the potential risk of near-Earth asteroid impact on the Earth was verified. The scientific objectives, scientific exploration mission were put forward, the scientific payload requirements analysis was conducted, scientific payload configuration was proposed. This study may provide a basis for decision-making for the implementation of the future asteroid defense missions .


