

Research Progress of Non-geometric Hazard Perception for Unmanned Planetary Rover

  • 摘要: 提升星球车的环境感知能力是提高系统智能性、自主性的前提,非几何障碍感知是其中关键的一环。通过回顾星球车非几何障碍感知发展历程,梳理出非几何障碍感知内容分为当前障碍估测和前方障碍预测两大类;对障碍估测和障碍预测涉及到的沉陷量估测、滑移率估测、星壤参数在线识别、地形分类等国内外研究现状进行了介绍和评述分析,总结得出:未来非几何障碍识别研究应多关注轮地力学模型优化、多源信息融合感知和人工智能技术应用;对基于星壤参数识别的滑移预测方法进行了阐述。


    Abstract: Improving the environment perception ability is a prerequisite for improving the intelligence and autonomy of the rover. Non-geometric hazard perception is the key part of autonomous navigation. Reviewing the development of the non-geometric hazard perception of the rover, it shows that the key aspects of the non-geometric hazard perception are hazard estimation and hazard prediction. Non-geometric hazard estimation and prediction include wheel-soil model, wheel sinkage estimation, slip ratio estimation, identification of soil parameters and terrain classification, and the relevant research on theses aspects are introduced and analyzed. The future research on non-geometric hazard perception should focus on the optimization of wheel-soil interaction mechanics model, multi-source information fusion and the application of artificial intelligence technology. Finally, a slip ratio prediction method based on soil parameter identification is described.


