

Overview on Development of Planetary Rover Technology

  • 摘要: 在深空探测任务中,巡视探测是一种重要的探测形式。作为一种能够在固态星球表面移动,完成探测、采样、运载等任务的航天器,星球车具有扩大星球表面精细探测范围、克服着陆精度影响、降低航天员工作负荷等多种作用。对月球车、火星车等星球车的技术发展进行回顾,重点介绍了中国星球车移动技术、导航与控制技术、自主与智能技术、热控制技术、地面试验验证技术、遥操作技术等发展的情况,并对星球车技术发展趋势进行了分析。


    Abstract: Patrol detection is an important form of deep space exploration. The planetary rover, which can move on the surface of solid-state planet and complete the tasks of exploration, sampling and transit, has many functions, such as expanding the scope of fine detection on planet surface, overcoming the impact of landing accuracy, reducing the workload of astronauts and so on. The technical development of lunar rover, Mars rover and others are reviewed focusing on the development of locomotion technology, navigation control technology, autonomous and intelligent technology, thermal control technology, ground test verification technology, remote operation technology, and the development trend of rover technology is analyzed.


