

The High Precise Positioning Reduction Based on VLBI

  • 摘要: 基于甚长基线干涉测量技术(Very Long Base Interferometer,VLBI)的时延、时延率以及USB(United S-band)/UXB(United X-band)的测距特点,采用联合统计定位及月面高程约束策略,实现了高精度的探测器的实时单点定位和准实时联合统计定位,且实时单点定位不受力学约束能够快速准确地给出三维位置信息,最终实现在轨控弧段和探测器被月球捕获阶段的轨道根数的实时监测。在“嫦娥3号”月面着陆器定位中,获得月面位置好于100 m的外符合精度。在特殊的轨道阶段,采用△DOR差分技术,VLBI探测器近月捕获制动及“嫦娥4号”中继星变轨进入地月L2平动点的Halo轨道等特殊阶段,实时快速地给出6个瞬时轨道根数,为工程提供重要参考。


    Abstract: Based on the delay and delay rate data from Very Long Baseline Interferometry(VLBI) and range and Doppler data from United S or X band system, the precise point positioning in real-time mode is got and the lunar lander or rover in quasi- real time mode with joint statistical method is obtained. With the precise point positioning method, free of various mechanical constraint, the three-dimensioned position information in real-time can be obtained. In special orbit maneuvering period such as braking at perilune and CE-4 relay satellite entering the Halo orbit at the Lagrangian translation point L2 of Earth-lunar system, the six-orbit elements at real time can be obtained as well, offering a rapid reference for the project. Using the joint statistical method and lunar height constraint, the position of CE-3 lander arrives at 100- meter external coincidence accuracy. With VLBI Same Beam Interferometry(SBI) phase-delay measurements, the external coincidence accuracy of the CE-3 rover reached at 1- meter level. It will promote more positioning analysis in the future deep space exploration projects.


