

Modeling and Analysis of Deployment Dynamics for Circular Membrane Solar Array of Lunar Explorer

  • 摘要: 美国公布的新一代月面着陆器搭载了圆形薄膜太阳翼,其具有展开/收拢比大、功率/质量比高的优点。针对该型太阳翼展开动力学建模与分析困难、月面重力环境下薄膜运动复杂、展开精度要求高的问题,以绝对节点坐标方法作为动力学建模的基础,搭建了圆形薄膜太阳翼展开动力学数值分析模型;采用基于贝塞尔曲线的关节空间转角轨迹设计太阳翼结构展开策略,以完成轨迹规划与跟踪;通过前馈–反馈联合控制完成太阳翼箱板结构的限位跟踪,提高展开位置精度,抑制结构残余振动。将该展开控制策略应用到圆形薄膜太阳翼展开动力学分析中,仿真结果表明,该展开控制策略能够顺利展开太阳翼结构,同时有效降低结构展开后的残余振动,展开精度高。


    Abstract: The new version of American lunar lander carries a new circular membrane solar array with high deployment/closing ratio and high power/mass ratio. However, circular membrane solar array also has characteristics of rigid-flexible coupling, difficulty in dynamics modeling and analysis, complex movement of thin membrane under lunar circumstance and high deployment precision. In response, a numerical dynamics model of solar array structure is established in this paper to analyze deployment dynamics features. Absolute nodal coordinate formulation is used to model flexible components and thin membrane. Two-step detection method is employed to deal with the complex contact/collision between thin membranes. Solar array is driven by joint rotation trajectory based on Bézier curves. Trajectory of the pivot panel is planned and tracked by forward-feedback joint control to improve the deployment positioning accuracy and suppress the residual vibration. The proposed driving strategy is then applied to the solar array numerical model based on NASA prototype. Numerical simulations have demonstrated that circular membrane solar array can be well-ordered and accurately deployed, and the residual vibration can be effectively suppressed.


