

Pointing Accuracy of Lunar-Ground Laser Communication Based on J2 Perturbation

  • 摘要: 基于J2轨道预测模型,设计了不同倾角和轨道高度圆轨道月球卫星,通过将J2轨道预测模型预瞄准仿真结果与直接积分RKF7(8)法仿真结果相对比,研究了不同类型月球卫星轨道对-Y面卫星舱板激光通信终端瞄准精度的影响。仿真结果表明,J2轨道预测模型可以满足月球极地卫星月地激光通信要求,当轨道高度为1 000 km和2 000 km的时候,10 min方位角偏差不超过40 μrad,而俯仰角偏差仅为7 μrad时,在一定程度上J2轨道预测模型可以满足月地激光通信预瞄准要求。


    Abstract: Based on the J 2 orbit prediction model, lunar satellites with various inclinations and orbital heights have been designed. Then, by comparing the simulation results of the J2 orbit prediction model with the direct integration RKF7 (8) simulation results,pointing accuracy of lunar-ground laser communication is studied. The laser communication terminal is installed on the -Y plane satellite deck in our simulation. To a certain extent,the results show that the J2 orbit prediction model can meet the requirements of lunar polar remote sensing satellites for lunar-ground laser communication. When the orbital height is 1 000 km and 2 000 km,the azimuth deviation of 10 min does not exceed 40 μrad,and the pitch angle deviation is only about 7 μrad. The orbit prediction model can satisfy the lunar-ground laser communication pointing requirements.


