

Distant Proximity Orbits About Asteroids

  • 摘要: 讨论了小行星引力一阶项可被忽略情况下的小行星远距离轨道设计及动力学。此时,航天器的运动受太阳引力和太阳光压的影响。航天器和小行星的加速度之差在这两者之间形成的独特的相对动力学,为航天器在小行星附近停驻与观测提供特定轨道。完整解决了小行星处于圆形日心轨道这一较简单情况,也考虑和阐述了椭圆轨道情况,并取得了一些初步结果。


    Abstract: This paper considers the design and dynamics of spacecraft distant from an asteroid, whose gravitational attraction can be neglected at leading order. The motion of the spacecraft then is a function of solar gravity and solar radiation pressure. The differential acceleration between the spacecraft and the small asteroid creates a unique relative dynamics between the two bodies, and provides the spacecraft certain orbits that will remain in the vicinity of the asteroid and which could be used advantageously for observations. The current paper completely solves the simpler case when the asteroid is in a circular heliocentric orbit. The elliptic case is also considered and formulated, with some initial results identified.


