

An Overview of Pulsar Candidate Classification Methods

  • 摘要: 脉冲星搜索是射电天文学中的重要前沿领域。随着现代搜索设备性能的不断提升,可以接收到更弱的信号,如何从海量信号中准确地识别出脉冲星疑似信号成为一个挑战。介绍了国内外关于脉冲星候选样本分类方法的发展历史和发展状态,归纳总结了发展过程中各个阶段的处理方法:人工识别方法和机器学习方法;最后对未来的发展趋势进行了分析。


    Abstract: Pulsar searching is an important frontier in radio astronomy. Weaker signals can be received as the performance of search facilities continualy improved. However,how to accurately identify the suspected pulsar signal from massive candidates has become a challenge. The pulsar candidate classification methods about development history and current situation at home and abroad. The classification methods in each stage include:manual selection methods and machine learning methods. At last,the future development trends are analyzed.


