

Analysis on Transfer Attitude of Tri-Folded and Deployed Type Ramp for Mars Rover

  • 摘要: 以火星车从着陆平台安全转移至火星表面为研究目标,提出一种三折平展坡道转移方案。火星车坡道式转移方案难点在于,着陆点地形地貌不确定和着陆器自身姿态的不确定将导致火星车转移姿态不确定从而增大转移风险。为保证火星车坡道式转移安全性,开展火星车坡道式转移姿态分析,获得满足火星车安全转移要求的最小坡道长度并评价出极限转移姿态。为使三折坡道展开总长度尽可能靠近最小坡道长度需求,进行了三折坡道长度优化分析,获得在着陆器构型约束下三折坡道长度最大值,可为我国火星车转移工程实施提供借鉴。


    Abstract: For landing on Mars for inspection detection,a tri-folded and deployed ramp is proposed to transfer the Mars rover from the landing platform to the Mars surface safely. The uncertainty of the transfer attitude is the difficulty of tri-folded and deployed ramp. The minimum length of ramp is analyzed according to Martian topography to ensure the transfer safety of Mars Rover. The length of tri-folded and deployed ramp is optimized to meet the requirements of the minimum length of ramp. The results can provide reference for the mars rover transferring project of China.


