Development Analysis of Active Long-Term On-Orbit Cryogenic Propellant Boil-Off Control Technology
摘要: 为满足深空探测任务要求,基于低温推进剂长期在轨蒸发量主动控制技术的应用需求,对国内外低温推进剂长时间在轨蒸发量主动控制技术研究进展进行了分析,结合国内技术现状对低温推进剂长期在轨蒸发量主动控制关键技术进行了梳理,可为低温运载系统深空探测任务的开展提供参考。Abstract: To meet the requirements of deep space missions,the research progress of active long-term on-orbit cryogenic propellant boil-off control technology was analyzed based on its application requirements. The key technologies were introduced according to the technology development situation in China,which can provide some references to cryogenic launch system for deep space missions.