

Reviews on Deep Space Satellite Gravity Measurement Mission

  • 摘要: 地球卫星重力测量计划CHAMP(CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload)、GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment)、GOCE(Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer)和月球卫星重力测量计划(Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory,GRAIL)的成功实施,以及下一代地球重力卫星(GRACE Follow-On)的即将发射昭示着我们将迎来一个前所未有的高精度和高空间分辨的深空卫星重力探测时代。围绕深空卫星重力测量的研究背景、必要性、可行性、卫星重力反演软件平台构建、轨道摄动和未来研究方向开展了研究论证。研究表明:深空卫星重力测量作为新世纪重力探测技术,在精化量体重力场、提高惯性导航精度、天体动力学、天体物理学和军事技术的研究,以及促进国民经济发展和提高社会效益等方面具有广泛的应用前景。


    Abstract: The successful implementation of the international gravity satellite mission around the Earth,named CHAMP(CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload),GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment)and GOCE(Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer),and the international satellite gravity measurement program orbiting the Moon,named GRAIL(Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory), and the upcoming launch of the international next-generation Earth's gravity satellite GRACE Follow-On will usher in an unprecedented high precision and high spatial resolution of the deep space satellite gravity detection era. In this paper,the research background,the necessity,the feasibility study,the construction of the software platform,the orbit perturbation and the future research direction of the deep-space satellite gravity measurement are demonstrated. The deep-space satellite gravity measurement technology has a broad application prospect with regard to the planetary geodesy,the planetary gravity field,planetary physics,the planetary dynamics and the national defense,and the construction for the national economy and the social benefits.


