

Model Predictive Control Guidance for Constrained Mars Pinpoint Landing

  • 摘要: 主要研究了火星着陆动力下降段考虑燃料消耗和实际任务约束条件的制导律设计问题。选取可变推力发动机作为执行机构,首先建立了着陆器在动力下降段的运动方程及质量变化方程;其次对实际任务中需要考虑的斜坡、推力幅值和方向等约束条件建立了约束模型;接下来通过构造由控制量和状态量构成的性能指标,提出一种基于模型预测控制的多约束火星精确着陆制导算法。可实现多种约束条件下的指标最优精确着陆任务。最后,通过数值仿真对比了本文与已有典型着陆策略,验证了所提算法可以在满足约束条件的前提下有效地完成既定火星精确着陆任务。


    Abstract: Abstract:This paper investigated an approach to trace a fuel optimal trajectory for Mars pinpoint landing mission with a variety of geometrical constraints. A model predictive control(MPC)approach is designed to minimize the performance index while at the same time keeping the constraints. With the proposed method,the spacecraft can achieve pinpoint landing. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed MPC approach,simulation results are included for illustration.


