

Conceptual Design of Flexible Thermal Protect Structure for Deployable Lunar Habitats

  • 摘要: 建设月球基地是人类探测、开发和殖民外太空的第一步,也是最重要的一步。设计了一种新型的展开式月球基地方案,由空间可展开桁架结构与柔性热防护层合薄膜组成。设计了可展开桁架结构的9组拓扑方案和层合薄膜的7组设计方案,进行结构设计方案和强度、刚度与稳态热分析,确定最优的设计方案。针对展开式月球基地的最优设计方案,分析了整体结构性能,包括静力分析、模态分析及3种工况下的稳态热分析。分析结果表明:所设计的最优方案具有较好的结构力学性能和热防护性能,为月球基地的方案选型、结构设计与热防护系统设计提供了技术支持。


    Abstract: Constructing lunar habitats is the first and the most important step to explore, exploit and colonize the outer space. A novel deployable lunar habitat concept is designed in the paper. The habitat structures consists of the spatial deployable truss and the flexible thermal protection laminated membrane. The structural design schemes were analyzed and compared. Nine topological schemes of the spatial deployable truss and seven designing schemes of the laminated membrane are presented. The optimal scheme was determined after strength analysis, stiffness analysis and steady thermal analysis were performed. Structural performances of the optimal design scheme for deployable lunar habitats were analyzed including static analysis, modal analysis and steady thermal analysis of three load cases. The analysis results indicates that structural performances and thermal protect performances of deployable lunar habitats are perfect. Then the technology support for scheme selection, structural design and TPS design was provided.


