

Autonomous Navigation for Mars Pin-Point Landing Based on Landmark Image

  • 摘要: 针对火星精确着陆自主导航高精度的要求,提出一种仅利用火星地表陆标图像信息的自主导航方法。该方法考虑了图像拍摄到图像测量信息可用之间的时间延迟,将成像时刻探测器位置和姿态作为系统状态,利用其与探测器当前状态之间的相关性,并通过迭代扩展卡尔曼滤波算法实现对探测器当前位置、速度和姿态的估计。在该导航方法下,重点研究了导航陆标位置误差对导航精度的影响。最后,通过数学仿真验证了所给出的自主导航方法,并分析了导航陆标位置误差对导航精度的影响。


    Abstract: Aiming at the autonomous and the precise navigation of Mars pin-point landing, an autonomous navigation method based on only landmark image is presented in this paper. In order to deal with image-processing time delay, the position and the attitude of detector at the imaging time are used as system state. The current system state can be updated by these landmark measurements through iterated extended Kalman filter. Using the method, the effects of landmark position error on navigation precision are analyzed. Finally, the validity of the proposed navigation method is confirmed by numerical simulations.


