Rescheduling Optimization for Spacecraft Observation with Resource Constraints Changing
摘要: 针对航天器对地观测调度中资源约束发生突变的情况,提出了一种基于蚁群算法的启发式重调度算法。首先对重调度过程中的资源约束进行分析,给出了资源约束发生变化的重调度模型。然后,结合原调度优化结果,给出重调度任务集合更新方法,对任务集合进行剪裁。最终,基于最大限度利用原调度方案信息的思想,结合任务集合更新及优先级等启发式信息,给出了一种改进的重调度优化算法。数值计算结果表明,所设计的算法可以快速有效的提高重调度过程的收益。Abstract: A rescheduling optimizing algorithm based on ant colony optimization (ACO) is proposed in this paper for the observing rescheduling with resource constraints changing. First, the resource constraints in the rescheduling process are analyzed, and a rescheduling model with resource constrains changing is established. Second, taking the advantages of the original scheduling results, an updating method is given out for the selecting of the missions. Finally, based on the principle of taking advantage of the original scheduling results as much as possible, combining the mission updating method and priorities of the missions, a heuristic rescheduling optimizing algorithm is proposed. The results show that the algorithm could effectively improve the profit of the rescheduling process.