Research Progress on Magnetic Propulsion in Deep Space Exploration
摘要: 开展深空探测对人类研究宇宙起源与发展、生命存在与进化等重大科学问题具有重要的意义。深空探测有很多关键技术有待突破,先进推进技术是其中最为重要的一个。而可用于深空探测的无需携带推进剂的磁动力推进技术,是利用太阳系和宇宙中广泛存在的等离子体流,使探测器所携带的低密度超导材料制作的线圈通电,在探测器周围形成一个磁场区域,通过该磁场与太阳风等离子流相互作用产生推动力的一种先进技术。文章介绍了磁动力技术的国内外发展现状、磁帆与等离子体流增强型磁帆的基本原理、技术特点以及在未来深空探测中的潜在应用,为我国未来深空探测任务的工程实施提供一种新的方法。Abstract: Deep space exploration plays a significant role in answering some basic scientific questions puzzled human like universe origin and life evolution. However, many key technologies without un-mastered including advanced propulsion technology limit future exploration activities. In this paper, a new magnetic propulsion method without propellant consumption applying to the deep space exploration is described. It creates the thrust by the interaction between the plasma fluid of solar wind and the magnetic field created by the spacecraft itself with carrying a loop of superconducting cable electrifying. Firstly, the domestic and foreign development present situation of magnetic propulsion are summarized. Secondly, the basic principles of magnetic propulsion are explained. Finally, the technology characteristics and potential applications in deep space exploration are analyzed.