

Analysis and Design of the Communication System for Multi-Probes Joint Lunar Polar Exploration

  • 摘要: 通信系统是月球极区探测器的重要组成部分之一。月面极区着陆器通信条件相对于低纬度地区探测有较大的差异,通信系统设计需结合月面极区软着陆探测任务实际,针对其任务的特点和需求开展相关设计工作。对多器联合月球极区探测通信开展任务分析,分析了通信系统架构、通信环境条件和数据量等任务需求,并设计了月球极区通信系统链路架构。该方案基于一套由月球中继通信网络和月面通信网络组成的链路构架,通过异构链路互为备份、多中心节点等方式实现了系统的可靠性与可扩展,兼顾了系统内的资源优化配置,可为未来月球极区探测通信技术工程实施提供指导。


    Abstract: The communication system is one of the important subsystems of a lunar polar explorer. Because of the significant differences compared to the missions in lower latitudes, the features and requirements of communication design need to be clarified for lunar polar soft-landing explorations for the multi-spacecraft mission to explore the polar region of the Moon. In this paper, the communication system architecture, communication environment conditions and data volume and other mission requirements are analyzed, and the lunar polar area communication system link architecture is designed. The scheme is based on a set of lunar relay communication network. The link structure composed of the lunar communication network realizes the reliability and scalability of the system through the mutual backup of heterogeneous links and multi-center nodes, taking into account the optimal allocation of resources in the system. It can provide guidance for the implementation of future lunar polar region exploration and communication technology projects, as well as future lunar polar region exploration and communication technology projects.


