At low frequency electron-magnetic wave band, planetary bodies not only emit thermal radiation, but also emit non-thermal radiation burst. The typical emission is planetary auroral radio burst consists of planetary kilometric wave burst, Jovian radiation at hectometer and decameter wavelengths. This kind of burst has been observed on the ground and in the space for dozens of years. The developed method can also be used as remote sensing tool to detect the inner structure of Jovian magnetosphere. However, the characteristics and mechanism have not been fully understood for the solar system planetary radio burst, there are still quite a lot of open questions left. Similar radio burst may also be observed from the exoplanetary systems. Following the development of space technology, radio astronomical observation has extended to kilometer wave. In the future the large radio array at low frequency can play key role to uncover the mechanism for the planetary radio burst, and also can be used to detect the exoplanets. The Chang’e-4 lunar mission with its low frequency payloads is working as pathfinder for the Earth Auroral Kilometer Radiation (AKR) and Jovian bursts,