

Evolution of the Martian Geological Environment and Exploration of Habitability of Mars

  • 摘要: 开展火星生命探索需要了解火星地质环境演化及其对生命形成与保存的影响。总结了火星地质环境演变的最新研究成果,回顾了人类开展火星生命探测的历史及进展,分析了火星的环境宜居性潜能,并归纳了火星潜在的宜居环境种类。在此基础上,提出对火星生命痕迹的探索应当重点关注曾存在长期水活动的区域的结论,如古海洋、古湖泊、三角洲、地下水与热泉活动区等;考虑到当前火星表面环境对生命的形成和保存十分严苛,未来的探测也应关注目前研究较为缺乏的地下环境,如较浅部的熔岩管洞穴,或深部地下环境;此外,火星样品中的微生物量可能极为稀少,通过采样返回任务,利用地球完备的实验条件开展研究也是未来火星生命信号探测的重要途径。


    Abstract: Search for life on Mars requires an understanding of the evolution history of Mars geological environment and its impact on the formation and preservation of life. In this paper, the latest research achievements in the history of Mars geological evolution were summarized, the history and progress of life exploration on Mars were reviewed, and shows that there was once a large amount of liquid water activity on the surface of Mars, groundwater and hot spring activities are also present. There are a variety of hydrogenic landforms and minerals, with the necessary elements to form life. The search for traces of life on Mars should focus on areas of long-term water activity, including ancient oceans, lakes, deltas, groundwater and hydrothermal activity regions, as well as cave interiors that could provide habitable environments. The present Martian environment is very harsh for the formation and preservation of life . The surface of Mars is subjected to intense radiation and the future exploration of life on Mars should pay attention to the deep sedimentary strata and caves. The microbial population on Mars may be scarce; collecting samples from right sites and bringing them to Earth and using the-state-of-art technology on Earth to search for possible traces of life on Mars is the best option.


