吴伟仁, 于登云. “嫦娥3号”月球软着陆工程中的关键技术[J]. 深空探测学报(中英文), 2014, 1(2): 105-109.
引用本文: 吴伟仁, 于登云. “嫦娥3号”月球软着陆工程中的关键技术[J]. 深空探测学报(中英文), 2014, 1(2): 105-109.
WU Weiren, YU Dengyun. Key Technologies in the Chang’e-3 Soft-Landing Project[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2014, 1(2): 105-109.
Citation: WU Weiren, YU Dengyun. Key Technologies in the Chang’e-3 Soft-Landing Project[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2014, 1(2): 105-109.


Key Technologies in the Chang’e-3 Soft-Landing Project

  • 摘要: 2013年12月14日,“嫦娥3号”月球探测器成功降落在月球北纬44.12°、西经19.51°的虹湾着陆区,巡视器与着陆器成功分离、转移并完成互拍,首次实现了中国航天器在地外天体软着陆与巡视勘察,使中国成为继美国和前苏联之后第三个成功实现月球软着陆的国家。在简述“嫦娥3号”月球软着陆工程研制历程的基础上,分析总结了工程研制中突破的主要关键技术。


    Abstract: On Dec.14,2013,Chang’e-3 lunar probe successfully landed on the Rainbow Bay area at44.12°N/19.51°W of the moon,then the lunar lander and rover successfully separated and took photos of each other,which achieved the mission objective of our nation’s first soft landing and roving exploration on a celestial body beyond the Earth,and made China the third country achieving lunar soft landing after the UnitedStates and the former SovietUnion.In this paper,based on the briefint roduction of the development process of Chang’e-3 project,the key technologies of the project are summarized


