

Target Selection and Trajectory Design for Manned Asteroid Missions

  • 摘要: 针对2020 - 2040年载人小行星探测任务,研究了探测目标选择与轨道优化设计问题。首先,针对已编目的近地小行星,综合考虑绝对星等、燃料消耗等多方面因素与约束,给出了适合载人探测任务的候选小行星序列;然后,构建了载人小行星探测任务轨道的设计模型,采用参数优化算法对探测轨道进行了设计;进一步,为了获得最优探测轨道,利用主矢量原理对探测轨道进行了优化。该研究可为载人小行星探测任务设计提供有价值的参考。


    Abstract: In this paper, the target selection and trajectory optimization is investigated for manned asteroid exploration mission in 2020一2040. Firs街,According to various factors and constraints , such as absolute magnitude and orbital parameters, 20 potential candidates for manned missions are presented. And then, the design model for manned mission is constructed, and the exploration trajectories for asteroid candidates are computed场using parameters optimization algorithm directly. Furthermore, the prime vector theory is used to obtain the optimal exploration trajectories. This research can provide valuable proposals for future manned asteroid missions


