

Quantitative Inversion of Minerals on Potentially Hazardous Asteroids

  • 摘要: 针对潜在威胁小行星(Potentially Hazardous Asteroids,PHAs)的撞击风险与防御方案的制定,采用修正高斯模型(Modified Gaussian Model,MGM)研究其矿物组成,进而与陨石类似物建立联系。该模型通过对混合物光谱去卷积获得矿物单独吸收特征。将MGM应用到6颗PHAs中,结果表明6颗PHAs分别是S型、Sq型和Q型,矿物主要由橄榄石、低钙辉石和高钙辉石组成,镁橄榄石指数(Fo#)为0.68~0.76,高钙辉石占比为0.215~0.395。小行星(25143)Itokawa、(1620)Geographos、(99942)Apophis和(1862)Apollo对应的陨石类似物为LL球粒陨石,小行星(11500)Tomaiyowit和(4179)Toutatis与L球粒陨石相似。


    Abstract: Potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs) pose a significant threat to Earth, with the potential to cause biological extinction and even human destruction. To cope with the impact risk of potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs) and create a defense plan, the mineral composition of PHAs was studied using Modified Gaussian Model (MGM), and the relationship between meteorite analogues was established. The model obtained the individual absorption characteristics of minerals by deconvolution of mixture spectra. Applying MGM to six PHAs, the results show that the six PHAs are S-type, Sq-type and Q-type, respectively. The minerals are mainly composed of olivine, low-calcium pyroxene, and high-calcium pyroxene. The forsterite index (Fo#) is 0.68-0.76, and the proportion of high-calcium pyroxene is 0.17-0.38. The meteorite analogues corresponding to asteroids Itokawa, Geographios, Apophis and Apollo are LL chondrites, and the meteorite analogues of asteroids Tomaiyowit and Touratis are similar to L chondrites.


