

Scientific Objectives and Payloads Configuration of the Tianwen-2 Mission

  • 摘要: 回顾了近30年国际上小行星探测任务的科学目标和载荷配置。在总结小行星探测主要科学问题的基础上,对中国行星探测工程“天问二号”探测任务的对象选择、科学目标和有效载荷配置进行了论述。围绕实现科学目标探测,并提出了相应的科学研究内容和有效载荷技术指标。


    Abstract: In this paper, scientific objectives and payloads configuration of international asteroid exploration missions in the past three decades were reviewed. On the basis of summarizing the main scientific questions of asteroid exploration, the selection of detection objects, scientific objectives and payloads configuration of China’s asteroid exploration project, which named Tianwen-2 mission were discussed. Focusing on the realization of scientific objectives, corresponding scientific research contents and payload technical specifications were proposed.


