

Planning for Extending Phobos Approaching Mission of Mars Orbiter Tianwen-1: Trajectory Design and Analysis

  • 摘要: 针对“天问一号”火星环绕器火卫一抵近探测拓展任务设想开展了任务轨道设计与分析,将主任务结束后的状态作为拓展任务的输入,对拓展任务轨道、变轨策略及燃料代价进行设计。通过分析得出,可利用火星摄动力调整近火点幅角使得环绕器轨道与火卫一轨道相交,且相交频率与半长轴和偏心率相关。为提高相交次数需进行降轨,进一步分析了利用火星大气辅助降轨以降低燃料消耗、提高轨道相交次数的可能性,最后通过调相机动的方式使环绕器完成火卫一抵近探测任务。仿真结果表明:所设计的拓展任务轨道及变轨策略的速度增量代价合理可行,可为后续火星环绕探测任务轨道设计提供参考。


    Abstract: In this paper, the mission orbit design and analysis of a potential extended mission, Phobos close approach exploration, was carried out. The state at the end of the main mission was used as the input of the extended mission in this paper. Through analysis, it was concluded that Mars perturbation force could be used to adjust the argument of perigee, and the intersection frequency was related to the value of semi-major axis and eccentricity. Orbit descent maneuver should be performed to increase the number of intersections. As a result, the possibility of conducting aero-braking in order to reduce fuel consumption was analyzed. Finally, phase adjustment maneuver was calculated to complete the Phobos close approach exploration mission. The orbit design results and the velocity increment are given by simulation. The results of this paper can provide reference for orbit design of Tianwen-1 orbiter’s extended missions.


