

Research on the Thermal Design of the Propulsion Pipeline on the Tianwen-1 Mars Orbiter

  • 摘要: 针对火星探测器空间环境特点和热控设计难点,提出了一种适用于火星环绕器的推进管路热控设计方法,通过采用优化的加热功率、合适的多层层数和适宜的加热器分区实现地火空间复杂外热流下的管路控温。将该方法在“天问一号”火星环绕器推进管路设计中进行分析与验证,对影响热控设计的因素如舱内外环境温度变化、管路是否有工质、是否受太阳照射、包覆多层层数以及加热功率等进行了分析。研究表明,该方法具有高度环境适应性,在环绕器飞行全过程及变轨条件下均能适应。未来需重点关注管路加热功率的设计和舱外多层包覆层数的影响,舱外管路受阳光照射影响大,设计时应尽量避免阳光照射。以上研究结果可为后续深空探测推进管路热控设计提供一定的参考。


    Abstract: In this article, a method that can solve the problems of thermal design of the pipe that was suitable for the characteristics of space environment of the Mars Probe was proposed. By adopting optimized heating power, suitable number of layers and suitable zone of the heaters, thermal control of the pipeline under complex external heat flow was realized. In the design of propulsion pipeline of Tianwen-1 Mars Orbiter, this method was analyzed and verified, and influencing factors, such as the change of ambient temperature, whether the propulsion pipeline had working fluid, whether it was exposed to the sun, the number of coating layers and heating power, were also analyzed. Research shows that this method had high adaptability to the environment and could adapt to the whole process of the orbiter flight and the conditions of orbit change; more attention should be paid to the number of coating layers and heating power in the future; the extravehicular pipeline was greatly affected by sunlight, exposure to sunlight should be avoided as much as possible in the design process. The research findings above can provide some reference for thermal control design of the propulsion pipeline in subsequent deep space explorations.


