

Review of the Lunar Regolith and Water Ice on the Poles of the Moon

  • 摘要: 月球极区独特的光照条件和表面环境特征是水富集和保存的理想场所,探测永久阴影区内的水冰对科学研究和开发利用月球资源具有重要的意义。综合调研了国际上在月球极区开展的理论研究和遥感探测成果,阐述了极区地质、表面光照条件和热环境特征。介绍了极区月壤和水的形成演化机制及水冰可能的赋存状态。系统梳理了国际上关于极区水冰的探测历程和方法,综合各种探测结果后取得的关于水冰分布特征的认识。根据分析Apollo 16样品后得到的物性、化学、矿物组成和粒径分布基本特征,提出了极区月壤模拟样品制备标准。通过对月球极区探测结果梳理并建立了系统认识极区地质演化的框架,为将来的月球极区月壤和水冰探测提供较为全面的参考。


    Abstract: Water can be trapped at permanently shadowed regions(PSRs)of the Moon for billions of years due to the extremely low temperatures. Polar exploration targeting water ice can help us understand water evolution and future resource utilization. This study reviews lunar explorations and theoretical studies about the Moon’s pole in past decades. Firstly, we introduce the geological features, illuminating conditions and thermal environment on the poles of the Moon. Secondly, we present the geological evolution of ice-bearing regolith and possible forms of water ice. Thirdly, we summarize all the methods of water detection and water distribution on the Moon. Lastly, we propose a basic standard for producing lunar regolith simulants based on measurements of Apollo samples. This study aims to present a general knowledge of lunar polar geology and provide a reference for future lunar polar exploration.


