

Review on Development History of TT&C System of China's Lunar and Planetary Exploration Projects

  • 摘要: 全面回顾了中国探月工程“绕”“落”“回”三步走战略顺利实施17年,测控系统从近地走向深空的发展历程和建设成就。探月一期工程突破了远距离测控技术;探月工程二期率先建设两个深空站,初步建成深空测控网;探月工程三期建成了阿根廷深空站,形成了完整的深空测控能力。目前中国深空测控系统已成为世界上三大全球布局的深空测控网之一,具备了独立支持月球与深空探测任务的能力。伴随着以首次火星探测任务为代表的行星探测工程的实施,中国深空测控系统在规模和性能上进一步增强任务支持能力。


    Abstract: In this paper, the author gives a comprehensive review of the achievements made by China in the construction of deep space TT&C system, combining with the development of the TT&C system from near earth to deep space during the 17 years since the successful implementation of the three-step strategy of “circling, landing and returning” of China’s lunar exploration project. From the breakthrough of long-distance TT&C technology in the first phase of the lunar exploration project, to the initial completion of the deep space TT&C network of two domestic deep space stations in the second phase of the lunar exploration project, to the completion of the Deep space station in Argentina in the third phase of the lunar exploration project, a complete deep space TT&C capability was formed. Today, China’s deep space TT&C system has become one of the three global deep space TT&C networks in the world, and is capable of independently supporting lunar and deep space exploration missions. In the future, China’s deep space TT&C system will continue to develop and grow in accordance with the principle of unified planning and step-by-step construction, which will further enhance China’s support capacity for deep space TT&C.


