

Communication-Navigation Integrated Technology and Its Application in Lunar Exploration

  • 摘要: 相较于自成体系、相互独立的卫星通信或导航系统,通导一体化系统的服务更加立体、更加全面。然而,现有的系统距离真正的通导一体都还存在着一定的差距。基于卫星通信提出了一种连续数据传输系统的通导一体架构及其实现方案,采用的“查询–应答”式的测量策略,无需授时信源和授时信宿在同一时刻发送测距信息,避免了收发测距终端存在的潜在风险,有效地提高了距离和钟差的测量精度。并以载人登月为背景,给出了利用月球中继通信系统实现月面导航的案例。仿真结果表明,通导一体系统在为月面目标提供通信服务的同时,还可以提供较高精度的定位和授时服务,可用于未来载人登月信息系统的设计。


    Abstract: Satellite communication-navigation integrated technology allows users to achieve communication and navigation at the same time. Compared with an autarkical and independent satellite communication or satellite navigation system, a communication-navigation integrated system is more comprehensive. At present, BeiDou Navigation Satellite System can provide radio navigation service and radio data service, and most satellites in the world can also measure the distance between satellite and ground station during communicating, even providing time base for satellite. However, there is still a long way to go from these existing practices to the ideal integrated communication and navigation system. Based on satellite communication, a new integrated communication-navigation architecture is proposed, and a case of using the lunar relay communication system to achieve lunar navigation in the setting of manned lunar exploration was given. The simulation results show that the proposed communication and navigation integrated system not only provides communication services, but also provides high precision positioning and timing services for the users on the lunar surface.


