

Combination Planning for Attitude Maneuver of Deep Space Probes Based on Multi-Objective Optimization

  • 摘要: 深空探测器在执行姿态机动任务中,通常需要优化多个性能指标参数。此外,姿态指向约束和有界约束的存在显著减小了姿态机动路径的可行空间。在复杂的多约束条件下,多目标姿态机动优化对深空探测器系统是一个极大的挑战。提出多目标组合的概念,通过物理规划方法将多目标优化转换为单目标规划问题。考虑到欧拉路径的低能量特性,提出一种多目标组合规划方法,通过欧拉路径改进差分进化算法的变异过程,实现多约束多目标姿态机动路径组合规划。最后,对深空探测器大角度姿态机动进行多目标组合规划数值仿真,验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。


    Abstract: For deep space detectors attitude maneuver tasks, it is necessary to optimize several performance index parameters. In this paper, the multi-objective planning problem of attitude maneuver for deep space detectors is studied, and a multi- target combination planning method is proposed to calculate the attitude maneuver path. For multi-objective programming, the attitude objective function is designed through physical planning method, which transforms multi-objective optimization into a single objective planning problem, and at the same time replaces fitness function as the population selection criterion. The combined differential evolution algorithm is designed to improve the mutation process. The initial attitude path obtained by fast Euler maneuver is added to the mutation formula with a certain probability, so as to improve the convergence rate and program operation efficiency, and realize the multi constraint and multi-objective attitude maneuver path combination planning. Finally, the feasibility and effectiveness of this method are verified by numerical simulation of large angle attitude maneuver of deep space probes.


