

Contribution of VLBI for the Orbit Determination to Chinese Lunar Exploration Project

  • 摘要: 从“嫦娥1号”任务开始,中国月球探测器就使用地基测距测速和甚长基线干涉测量(Very Long Baseline Interferometry,VLBI)联合测轨模式,实现对月球探测器的精密测定轨。对VLBI在中国月球探测定轨定位中的应用进行系统性介绍,分析得出:测量精度从10 ns左右提高到优于1 ns;在探测器定轨和着陆器/巡视器月面定位中,VLBI数据在提高定轨定位精度方面发挥了重要作用,“嫦娥3号”(Chang'E-3,CE-3)环月段定轨精度可达20 m,着陆器定位精度优于100 m,同波束VLBI技术是巡视器相对定位的唯一地面测量手段,CE-3巡视器相对定位精度在1~2 m。


    Abstract: The S/X-band radiometric range/Doppler and very long baseline interferometry(VLBI)techniques are used in Chinese lunar exploration to track the probe. Measurement accuracy is improved for the application of new equipment and techniques. VLBI data plays a very important role in the orbit determination(OD)and lander positioning. VLBI data can improve short arc OD accuracy comparing with the range/Doppler data only. For the lunar orbit, Combining VLBI data helps to improve orbit accuracy especially in along-track and normal directions. Results also indicate that VLBI data contribute more to the OD when the probe is at the edge-on view than at the face-on view. Overlap analysis shows that the position consistency is about 20 m and better than 3 m in the radial direction for CE-3/CE-4 lunar orbit. The statistical positioning method is applied to determine the position for the CE-3 lander combined with 1 h range and VLBI data, and the accuracy is better than 50 m compared to the result of LRO camera.


