

Introduction of Chinese Space-Borne Gravitational Wave Detection Program “Taiji” and “Taiji-1” Satellite Mission

  • 摘要: 我国空间引力波探测“太极计划”将打开中低频段(0.1 mHz~1 Hz)的引力波观测窗口,为人类研究宇宙起源与演化、黑洞起源与演化、引力本质、暗能量和暗物质等提供全新的方法和手段。由于空间引力波探测涉及一系列关键技术,太极计划提出了“单星”“双星”和“三星”3步走的发展路线图。目前“单星”计划——“太极1号”发射成功,并圆满完成了第一阶段的在轨测试。本文将简要介绍空间引力波探测的科学价值、国内外背景和关键技术分解,重点对太极计划及其3步走发展规划进行分析,并提出后续工作的一些设想和发展建议。


    Abstract: Chinese Space-borne Gravitational Wave Detection Program “Taiji” is to detect the gravitational wave(GW)within the frequency band between 0.1 mHz and 1 Hz. The GW sources in such frequency band offer a brand new approach to study our universe, the supper massive black holes, the nature of gravity, the dark matter and the dark energy. The technologies related to Taiji program are so challenging that Taiji have to take three steps, “single satellite”, “double satellites” and “three satellites”, to achieve the final objectives. The “single satellite” mission, called Taiji-1, is now successfully launched, and the first run of on-orbit testing is completed. A brief review of the scientific influences, the recent status and the anatomy of key technologies of the space-borne GW detection missions are given. The mission overview and the 3-step strategic planning of Taiji program are analyzed. The future perspectives and some advices concerned with Taiji program are also discussed.


