

Analysis and Selection of Landing Areas for Mars Mission

  • 摘要: 以火星地形、影像数据和火星地质单元图为基础,综合工程条件约束和科学意义,选择我国火星探测任务的优先着陆区并进行地质背景研究。基于火星表面地形数据提取预选着陆区的地形因子(包括坡度和粗糙度),并结合着陆区的地面承重能力和高程纬度条件选出符合工程约束条件的区域;基于生命和地质两个研究重点,选取具有相应科学意义的地区作为优先着陆区,共选出了8个优先着陆区,其中a、b优先着陆区位于克里斯平原,c~g优先着陆区位于伊希地平原,h优先着陆区位于尼本席斯平原;对选出的区域进行地质背景研究,评定各个区域作为最终着陆区的优先程度,其中e~g 3个着陆区地形平坦、位于地质单元交界处且探测到含水矿物分布,因此被作为优先度最高的火星预选着陆区。


    Abstract: In this paper, based on the(Digital Elevation Model)data, remote sensing imagery and geological units, the priority landing areas were selected by combining the engineering constraints(terrain factors, ground bearing capacity, elevation and latitude)and scientific significance, and geological background of these priority landing areas was studied. Firstly, terrain factors(including slope and roughness)of the tentative sub-area were extracted derived from DEM data. And the areas meeting engineering constraints, which have lower slope(< 7.38°), roughness value(< 0.0096), stronger ground bearing capacity, elevation(< –2 km)and latitude(0~30°N), were selected. Then, based on the two research focuses of life and geology, the areas containing the scientific significance were chosen as the priority landing areas(a~h). Among them, a and b priority landing areas are located in the Chryse Planitia, c~g priority landing areas are located in the Isidis Planitia and h priority landing area is located in the Nepenthes Planum. Finally, the geological backgrounds of the eight areas were studied, and three priority landing areas(e~g)were considered as the highest priority landing areas because of their flat terrain, location at the boundary of two geological units and detection of the distribution of hydrous minerals.


