Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Fluctuations in the Martian Space
摘要: 波动是无碰撞等离子体中能量重新分配的重要途径。对波动的研究有助于更准确地认识太阳风与火星的相互作用,认识火星空间环境的特征。介绍了火星空间中常见的几种磁场低频波动,包括离子回旋波(Ion-CyclotronWave,ICW)、磁流体动力学(MagnetoHydro Dynamic,MHD)波、镜像模波、哨声波以及磁场锯齿状波动,总结了这几类波动的特征和可能的形成机制,说明不同种类的波动所反映的不同的物理过程。由于波粒相互作用在火星离子逃逸的过程中起到了重要作用,波动可影响火星环境的演化。Abstract: Waves,an essential way of energy redistribution in a collisi university of less plasma,can be good indicators for the interaction between the Solar wind with Mars. Features of several different kinds of waves observed in Martian space,together with possible mechanisms of their generation, are given. Waves reflect certain physical processes, which might play important roles in the atmospheric loss,hence have significant influences in the evolution of Martian environment.