

Real-Time Processing for a Subsurface Sounding Radar on Planet Orbiter

  • 摘要: 环绕器次表层探测雷达能够在环绕轨道实现行星次表层结构高分辨探测,为深入研究行星地质结构提供科学数据,由于深空探测距离地球距离非常遥远,与地球之间的数据传输率很受限制,雷达探测得到的大量原始数据无法通过数据链路传回地球,通过星上实时处理对探测数据进行变换,只回传数据量小得多的处理结果具有非常重要的意义。本文对环绕器次表层探测雷达采用的后向投影算法的实时处理技术进行了详细的分析,给出了工程实现方法。


    Abstract: The subsurface sounding radar on Planet orbiter can detect the subsurface structure of the Planet surface with a high resolution, providing scientific data to the research on the Planet geologic structure. because of the far distence between the planet and the earth,huge qnantity of raw data cann't be transformed back to our own planet,so it's very important to process the radar return onboard the orbiter and only transform backto us far less quantity processing results.The detail analysis and engineering implement method of the Real-time backproject algorithm Processing technology for subsurface sounding radar on Planet orbiter is proposed.


