

Research Progress for Single Event Effects of Space Payloads by Pulsed Laser Simulation

  • 摘要: 脉冲激光作为模拟测试空间探测载荷半导体器件的单粒子效应现象的一种较新型手段,具有可以定位器件对单粒子效应敏感的具体单元以及动态测试电路系统对单粒子效应的时间响应特性的特点,能够满足工程部门、器件研发部门的不同需求。通过实验与理论研究,建立单粒子锁定与翻转效应的激光阈值能量与重离子LET值的对应关系,解决了脉冲激光模拟测试的激光结果如何定量的关键问题,据此可以定量摸底评估器件的单粒子效应敏感度,使脉冲激光测试载荷的结果更具评价以及指导意义,这对建立统一的脉冲激光单粒子效应评估试验标准以及对脉冲激光试验的推广具有重要意义。空间探测载荷发生单粒子效应后器件功能特性及电路系统的影响、防范单粒子效应电路条件影响的手段下电路系统的抗单粒子效应设计措施是的有效性,以及为空间探测专门研制的抗辐射ASIC电路评价,都需要更加精细的单粒子效应测试方法。通过建立便捷、低成本的脉冲激光定量试验的手段,解决了空间探测载荷上述单粒子效应试验的问题。


    Abstract: Pulsed laser is a new method which can be used to simulate single event effects(SEE)of space exploration payloads. It can locate the most SEE sensitive area of the test devices, and also can dynamically test SEE time response of the circuit system. With test and theory research, the relationship between laser threshold energy of single event upset and single event latch-up with heavy ion linear energy transition(LET)is established. And the laser quantification is obtained through the evaluation of SEE sensitivity of space exploration payloads. It's of great significance for establishing standards of the pulsed laser evaluation and test, and for providing references for further engineering application. The SEE sensitivity and its effects on the circuit system are required to be tested, and suitable circuits are to be designed to avoid SEE. The method for avoiding SEE of the experimental circuit system should be tested, and special ASIC radiation hard circuit should be designed for the space payloads. All mentioned above need fine SEE tests.


