
基于433 Eros的多面体引力模型精度与运行时间研究

Research on the Accuracy and Operation Time of Polyhedron Gravity Model Base on 433 Eros

  • 摘要: 基于Planetary Data System(PDS)公布的433 Eros多面体模型,使用多面体模型法计算了433 Eros的表面引力加速度分布情况,并研究了该方法在不同精度的多面体模型下的计算时间和误差。实验结果表明:1)多面体模型法的时间复杂度为O(n);2)在以433 Eros为目标天体的着陆导航与制导控制相关仿真计算中,使用面数为22 540的多面体模型进行引力加速度计算,可以同时满足计算速度和精度的要求,并且由于计算速度接近实时,可用于半物理仿真实验中。


    Abstract: This paper adopts the polyhedron gravity modeling methodto calculate the surface gravitational acceleration of 433 Eros using the 3D polyhedron shape models of 433 Eros published by the Planetary Data System(PDS). The accuracy and operation time with different facets of the 3D polyhedron gravity model are also analyzed. The experiments show that the time complexity of polyhedron gravity model is O(n). In the simulation of the guidance, navigation and controlfor landing on 433 Eros, using the shape model with 22 540-facetscan achieve a tradeoff between the computation rate and accuracy.Moreover, since the gravity acceleration can be computed in real-time, it can be used in the hardware-in-the-loop simulation.


