Analysis of the Potential Field of Asteroids with Arbitrary Mass Distribution Using Polyhedral Approach
摘要: 从力学的角度出发,如何准确地建立小行星附近的引力场模型是小行星研究中最为基础、最为关键的部分。提出一种基于多面体模型的模拟小行星附近引力场的方法。该方法的准确性一方面取决于多面体模型的精细程度,即模型分辨率,另一方面取决于勒让德级数的截断误差。选取均质小行星模型,求取其引力场并与使用原有多面体方法求得的引力场进行对比,以此验证本方法的可行性。通过对形状参数相同的均质、非均质多面体模型附近的引力场进行对比来说明非均质小行星引力场建模的重要意义。Abstract: The paper develops a new method to calculate the potential field of the asteroids with arbitrary mass distribution. The accuracy of this method is based on both the resolution of the polyhedron and the truncation error of the Legendre series. Here we compare the potential fields get by both our method and the traditional method using homogeneous polyhedral model to indicate the feasibility of our method. We also show the differences in the potential fields and the corresponding equilibrium points between the homogeneous model and the heterogeneous model to emphasize the great importance of the heterogeneous model in the researches about the dynamical environment of asteroids.