

Generalized Flyby Trajectories over Irregular-Shaped Small Bodies

  • 摘要: 选取具有典型不规则外形的细长形小天体作为研究对象,应用偶极子模型近似其外部引力场分布。针对其引力场内的质点动力学,研究一类特殊的动力学行为--广义甩摆轨道。与传统引力甩摆轨道不同,该类轨道能够在很短的时间内将质点从环绕轨道改变至逃逸轨道,或将逃逸轨道上的质点捕获至小天体引力场内。从轨道能量的变化入手,分析该类轨道的成因并给出仿真算例。


    Abstract: This paper focuses on the elongated small body whose exterior potential is approximated by the rotating mass dipole. The study aims to discuss the characteristics of generalized flyby trajectories over these irregular-shaped small bodies. Different from the traditional gravity assist or swing-by trajectories, a test particle along the generalized flyby trajectory can be ejected into a hyperbolic trajectory from an elliptical orbit in a short duration or vice versa. The orbital energy variation is adopted to illustrate the dynamical behavior and obtain numerical simulations. Particularly, the name and dynamical problem of such a trajectory given in this paper are still open to further readers.


