

Research on Design of Creepy-Boring Type Subsurface Investigation Device for Planetary Exploration

  • 摘要: 针对在地外星体较大深度处长期地实施地质科学探测这一新的研究难题,运用无人自动潜入式探测原理,提出了蠕动掘进潜入式行星探测装置的设计方案,并重点对探测装置的机构设计开展了研究;成功研制出蠕动掘进潜入式探测装置试验样机及其性能测试平台,为蠕动掘进潜入式行星探测装置方案的可行性验证以及性能测试奠定技术基础。研制的蠕动掘进潜入式行星探测装置对我国未来的行星探测任务具有借鉴意义。


    Abstract: This paper investigates the relevant information of planetary exploration, and analysis to obtain that the long-term and wealth scientific investigation in the greater depth will be a new research problem in the field of planetary exploration. In order to solve this problem, this paper puts forward a creepy-boring type subsurface investigation device for planetary exploration, and mainly focus on the study of its mechanism design. Finally, this paper successfully developed the creepy-boring type robot and its test platform for feasibility verification of the scheme and performance test for the prototype. The device has significance reference for China future planetary exploration mission.


