

Analysis of the Manned Mars and Asteroid Missions

  • 摘要: 载人火星和小行星探测是未来深空探测的重要发展方向,以美国为代表的航天强国正在积极开展相关方案论证和技术攻关。由于任务规模庞大,受制于目前以化学推进为主的运输系统能力限制,要进行火星、小行星探测,必须发展重型运载火箭、轨道转移级等运载工具。从载人火星、小行星探测任务规划的角度出发,对总体任务进行了初步分析,提出了初步的系统方案。


    Abstract: Manned Mars and asteroid missions are the important development directions of deep space. Active works about scheme demonstration and technology research have been done by America. For its enormous scale and the limited capacity of the space transport system, such vehicles as heavy launch vehicle and orbit transfer stage have been developed. Analysis of the manned Mars and asteroid missions have been done on the mission plan in this paper, tentative transport schemes and key technologies are done at the same time.


